Friday, December 23, 2016

Email about the causes of homelessness.

Dear Brian,
I hope you are well and that the first semester of school is going smoothly for you. I am writing in response to your question regarding the causes of homelessness in my country.
Firstly, Homelessness and poverty are inextricably linked. When poor people cannot provide for their kids, these resort to living on the street. Secondly, family dysfunction -conflict, misbehavior, neglect or abuse of children- drives children onto the streets. Thirdly, lack of affordable housing is among the leading causes of homelessness and pushes children and families to live on the streets. Lastly, umemployment may cause youth homelessness because losing the job usually means losing the source of income and home.
So, the government, civil society and the private sector should all work together to find a sustainable solution to this growing phenomenon.

Email about the effects of smoking.

Hello Sean,
How are you doing? Today is May 31, the No Tobacco Day, and I am writing to tell you about the effects of smoking.
First, smokers are prone to many respiratory diseases like lung cancer, bronchitis, asthma and others. Also, smokers are dirty people: they smell awful and have lousy breath and decayed bad teeth. As Larry james said,  “kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray ”. In addition, smoking costs a lot of money because cigarettes are expensive and their price keeps rising. People can save that money to go on holidays, buy clothes, pay debts, etc. Finally, smoking causes premature aging : it causes skin discoloration, wrinkles, and fine lines.
So, you need to give up smoking, begin a hobby, and take up a sports activity .

Email about the effects of not exercising.

Hi Billy,
Long time no see. I hope everything is well in your world!
I am writing to tell you about the effects of not exercising because you look overweight in the picture you posted on Instagram yesterday. 
To begin with, there is obesity: people who do not exercise get obese and this has negative health and moral consequences. Also, lack of exercising may cause may diseases like heart disease, high cholesterol , diabetes and many more. Besides , research is unequivocal that lack of activity may result in mood changes and makes people unhappy or moody. Last but not least , inactivity causes cells to get old quickly.
So, I advise you to exercise regularly and avoid junk food.
Your friend,

Email about the causes of school drop-out

Dear Jack,
Thank you for your last email in which you asked me to tell you the causes of school drop-out in my country.
First, there is poverty: when poor parents cannot afford for their children to be educated, these are left with no choice but to drop out . Second, some teachers ill-treat students which causes them to hate school and teachers and thus leave school. Third , the infrastructure - the roads, the classrooms, boarding schools and electricity - is very poor in most regions of the country and does not help students to access education. Ultimately, parents ignorance is another significant obstacle: some parents think education is a waste of time and believe it’s better for kids to help at home or in the fields.
So, the government, parents, teachers and the civil society should all cooperate to solve the problem of school drop out.
Your friend,